Mississippi Governor ‘would rather die on the cross’ than repeal anti-LGBT law

The Governor of Mississippi says he’d rather be executed through crucifixion than repeal his anti-LGBT legislation.
The Governor of Mississippi Phil Bryant signed a new law in April that enables discrimination against LGBT people – ignoring pleas from business leaders in the state.
The law goes even further than most – even permitting people to discriminate based on sexual orientation in “any employment-related decision” and “any decision concerning the sale, rental, [or] occupancy of a dwelling” as long as it’s based on “sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction”.
The law has potentially devastating impacts for LGBT people in life, employment and housing – but Governor Phil Bryant has insisted he’d rather die on the cross than repeal it.
He told anti-LGBT hate group Family Research Council: “Where do they believe we are at now?
“Do they think we will simply abandon that? They don’t know us very well, do they?
“They don’t know that Christians have been persecuted throughout the ages.
“They don’t know that if it takes crucifixion, we will stand in line before abandoning our faith and our belief in our savior Jesus Christ. So if we are going to stand, now is the time and this is the place.”
He added: “”I remember in Sunday school, reading one of my favorite stories,” Bryant said. “It was about a giant, a bad giant. He came into the alley one day and called to the Israelites, ‘Send down your champion and let me vanquish him.’
“We were in that valley, but Tony Perkins was there with us. He was there as surely as our lord and savior, as surely as the God of all Gods that stood there with us.”
FRC head Tony Perkins, whom Bryant apparently so idolises, is one of America’s most notorious anti-LGBT activists.
The Christian activist makes a habit of making extremely disturbing claims about gay people – insisting that gays will attempt a ‘Christian Holocaust’.
He was slammed by Jewish groups after claiming that Christians are being sent to “camps”, and that soon gays are “going to start rolling out the boxcars to start hauling off Christians”
Perkins also compared gays to paedophiles, saying: “While activists like to claim that paedophilia is a completely distinct orientation from homosexuality, evidence shows a disproportionate overlap between the two. It is a homosexual problem.”
He’s also branded the ‘It Gets Better’ anti-bullying campaign “disgusting”, saying: “It’s part of a concerted effort to recruit [kids] into that lifestyle.”
Ahead of the Supreme Court court ruling in favour of equal marriage, Perkins threatened a “revolution” in the United States over the issue.