19 times when coming out was REALLY AWKWARD

PinkNews takes a look at some of the best accidentally funny and awkward coming out stories on the internet.
1 This mother who was actually relieved to find out her son was gay…
2 This brave teen came who out while tackling her homophobic grandma
3 The dad who failed to see the problem with his son’s sexual preferences
4 And this girl who cleverly came out by playing on a traditionally homophobic pun
5 This Dad who believes in stating the obvious…
6 The friend who likes to bring light relief to an often stressful situation
7 Sexual Orientation: Chinese?!
8 These parents who reacted in the best way possible
9 This dad who cared more about cranberry sauce…
10 … and this one who just wanted to barbecue
Click here for 10 to 15 on the list – including a father’s unexpected revelation when his son told him he’d had gay sex…
11 The mother who cares more about her daughter’s braces…
12 … or this one who prefers Ellen DeGeneres
13 The dad who is actually jealous of his daughter’s love life
14 Or the mom who lost this bet
15 We’re pretty certain this gay guy wasn’t expecting THIS reaction
from his father…
16 This EXTREMELY supportive sister…
17 Or the one who had a burning question