Phone calls between Orlando gunman and police to be released today

The transcripts of the phone calls between Omar Mateen and emergency services on the night of the Orlando massacre are to be released today.
During the 3 hour hostage situation Mateen spoke to 911 dispatchers on three separate occasions.
It’s reported that he pledged alliance to the Islamic State during the attack.
The transcripts are set to be released today and will include the “substance of the conversation”, however his apparent pledge of allegiance will not be included.
US Attorney General Loretta Lynch confirmed that the transcripts will be redacted to avoid causing pain to the loved ones of the victims. The General also said that pledges to terrorist organisations will be cut out to avoid “furthering his propaganda.”
The Attorney General will travel to Orlando tomorrow to meet with investigators, survivors and loved ones of the victims.
Lynch said to CNN: “Because this investigation is open and ongoing, we’re not commenting on anyone else’s role in it right now, except to say that we are talking to everyone who knew him, and that of course includes his family, to determine what they knew, what they saw in the days and weeks leading up to this.”
Lynch is building the investigation which is focusing on creating a complete profile of the 29-year-old Omar Mateen, to understand his attack.
The gunman raided the Pulse nightclub last weekend and killed 49 people and injured 53 in an unprecedented attack on LGBT people.
Vigils have been held across the world as a tribute to the 49 people that were killed in the massacre.
Watch Loretta Lynch’s full interview with Meet the Press: