This mother discovered a heartbreaking reason her daughter stood on a toilet seat

A mother was shocked when she found her daughter standing atop a toilet seat, at first finding it amusing, then tragic.
Stacey Wehrman Feeley, who lives in Michigan, took the photo of her three-year-old daughter Chandler, initially thinking it was amusing.
But when her daughter told her why she was doing it, she was no longer amused.
Chandler said she had been standing on the toilet seat in order to practice hiding, in case a gunman were to attack her preschool.
Wehrman Feeley used the opportunity to criticise a lack of gun control in the US in a lengthy Facebook post.
“I took this picture because initially I thought it was funny. I was going to send it to my husband to show what our mischievous little three-year-old was up to.
“However, The moment she told me what she was doing I broke down. She was practising for a lockdown drill at her preschool and what you should do if you are stuck in a bathroom.
“At that moment all innocence of what I thought my three-year-old possessed was gone.”
The post has now been shared more than 30,000 times.
She says politicians should “take a look”.
Continuing, she writes: “This is your child, your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren and future generations to come.
“They will live their lives and grow up in this world based on your decisions. They are barely three and they will hide in bathroom stalls standing on top of toilet seats.”
Adding: “I do not know what will be harder for them? Trying to remain quiet for an extended amount of time or trying to keep their balance without letting a foot slip below the stall door?”
Earlier in June, a gunman stormed the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, a gay club, and shot dead 49 people. A further 53 were injured in the attack, which became the deadliest mass shooting in US history.
The second worst mass shooting would be the Virginia Tech shooting of 2007, which left 32 people dead and 17 injured.
After that is the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook which left 20 children and six adults dead.
A mother who lost her daughter during the Sandy Hook shooting shared a message of support for Orlando.
Read Wehrman Feeley’s full Facebook post here.