‘Friend of gays’ Donald Trump vetting anti-LGBT Governor to be Vice President

Donald Trump is apparently vetting anti-gay governor Mike Pence to run to be his Vice President.
Indiana’s Governor Mike Pence stirred up international outrage last year when he signed the controversial ‘Religious Freedom Restoration Act’, which gives businesses the right to discriminate against gay people on the grounds of religion.
Earlier this year Mr Pence still appeared unable to answer when asked whether it should be legal to fire people because of their sexuality.
But his long anti-LGBT record apparently hasn’t dissuaded self-proclaimed ‘friend of the gays’ Donald Trump, who is reportedly vetting Pence to be his VP.
Democratic National Committee spokesperson TJ Helmstetter said: “Pitting Americans against each other is at the heart of Donald Trump’s dangerous and divisive campaign, so it’s fitting he’d consider Mike Pence to join him.
“Trump has supported many of the same types of reckless policies that Mike Pence has forced on Indiana – including the anti-gay Religious Freedom Restoration Act that has cost Indiana’s economy millions while demonizing LGBT Hoosiers.
“That he would consider Pence is a reminder that Trump lacks the judgment to serve in the highest office in the land.”
Freedom Indiana noted previously: “Indiana Governor Mike Pence has never been able to answer the question of whether he believes LGBT Hoosiers should be fired for who they are.
“Time after time, he has dodged the question of why he does not support comprehensive non-discrimination protections for LGBT people.”