This principal really believes no gay students have ever gone to his school

A school principal has claimed that no gay student has ever gone to her school while the ‘head of welfare’ there said he would out a student to their parents if they came out.
Ghazwa Khan, the principal of Al-Faisal college in Sydney, Australia, has claimed that no gay student has ever gone there because it was “not recommended”.
“We’ve never had any child who says these things because they are being taught at home how to behave and know that this is not recommended,” she told the Australian.
“We’ve never had this issue at all, we’ve never had it. I think the students know their limit and they are taught at home what to say and what not to say,” she added.
The schools ‘head of welfare’ Andrew Costa added that, if a student were to come out as gay, the child’s parents would be informed.
“If an issue like this did come to my office, I would talk with the principal and we would call the parents in to discuss it with the parents, so that the parents can discuss it with their children the issue,” Costa said.
Keysar Trad, the president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, also said that students which go to the six schools run by the organisation are also taught not to have sex before marriage.
He told the Australian: “This is something that is clearly spelt out in the Koran and the hadith, that sex is only between a husband and a wife who are of the opposite gender and we have absolutely no mandate to change the grace of God.
“At school, all kids are told that they should not practise sex until they are married.”
According to the paper, which conducted an investigation into the schools, there are 29,914 students attending 40 Islamic schools across Australia.
The Al-Faisal college has an estimated 2,800 students go there.
The investigation claimed that the Koran was quoted in science lessons and that the Al-Faisal school, no music is taught despite it being required by the national curriculum.
“Whatever is in the curriculum we have to teach [but] it’s got to fit in with the culture of the school,” said Al-Faisal’s deputy principal Peter Rompies.
Textbooks were also modified to remove the female reproductive organs from male students’ textbooks and vice-versa.