New York candidate wants to censor same-sex couples from school books

A New York primary challenger is attempting to unseat a Democratic lawmaker to censor same-sex couples from textbooks.
S.J Jung is challenging Democratic New York State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky in the party’s September 13 primary.
However, some of his views seem shockingly out of place with the party he’s hoping to be elected by.
According to the New York Daily News, Jung vowed to “fight to bar pictures of same-sex couples from appearing in school textbooks” in an address to Korean church groups earlier this year.
He asked for prayers “so I can get elected to the New York State Senate to stop this from happening”, adding: “I pray Jesus Christ’s love to spread and his message speak through this election and your prayer of faith to make me become a warrior clad in armour.”
Jung says on his website: “I am determined to help our communities’ seniors and schools, small businesses, increase affordable housing, and much more. But we must first clean up our house. Greater transparency, accountability, and integrity will only happen in Albany when we elect new leaders who have the conviction and courage to make real change.
“I will work in Albany for the people, not special interests”.