Nick Griffin is now promoting a Hungarian town that bans Muslims and gays

Former BNP leader Nick Griffin is now promoting a Hungarian village that seeks only white, heterosexual residents.
Griffin is now doing promotional work for the village of Asotthalom on the southern border of Hungary.
Laszlo Toroczkai, the mayor of Asotthalom, has banned openly supporting same-sex marriage, as well as building mosques and wearing headscarves.
The village, located two hours from Budapest, has two Muslim residents already, but say they want no more.
Nick Griffin, who despite having led the ‘British National Party’ now lives in Hungary, said: “Hungary is already seen by more and more Western Europeans as a place of refuge, as a place to get away from the hell that is about to break loose in Western Europe.”
A plot in the village goes for just £9,000, and the Mayor hopes that Western Europeans will move to the area.
Asked about gay people moving to the village, Mayor Toroczkai told the Victoria Derbyshire Show: “Asotthalom has a by-law that bans homosexual propaganda, we banned it a few weeks ago.”
Mayor Toroczkai previously introduced his anti-gay and anti-Muslim laws, which many argue go against Hungary’s constitution.
He wrote: “Instead of looking for a scapegoat, I offer an immediate solution, a defense against the forced mass resettlement [of migrants] by Brussels.”
Other than two abstentions, all of the board voted in favour of the proposed new rules.
“Today the Asotthalom village council adopted my proposal – which is an action package – to defend our community and traditions from any plan for the outside resettlement [of migrants]. All that needs to be done is for the rest of Hungary’s municipalities to adopt our preventative action package, and with that we will have defended our homeland.”
The measures put in place by Toroczkai ban the construction of mosques, or other places of worship excluding the Catholic Church.
The village also banned the call to prayer, all face coverings including the hijab, niqab and burqa, and the burkini.
Mayor Toroczkai said the plans protect the village from “extreme liberalism” from the West.
He is from the Jobbik party, which claims to protect “Hungarian values and interests,” but which has in the past been accused of racism, homophobia and anti-Semitism.
“I want to be an example to other pioneering local authorities on how to protect themselves from external resettlement or any other subversive intentions,” he said.