Piers Morgan takes aim at gender fluidity in mock apology after backlash over ‘gay bar’ tweet

Piers Morgan has offered up a mock apology which took at gender neutrality on Good Morning Britain after he was slammed for tweeting about a night out in a “gay bar”.
Last week the 52-year-old early morning presenter tweeted a picture of himself with co-host Susanna Reid and Richard Bacon at Freedom in Soho.
A gay bar in Soho.
Good Morning Britain! @susannareid100 @richardpbacon pic.twitter.com/u8rdtNmkc2
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) August 31, 2017
He wrote alongside the picture: “2.43am. A gay bar in Soho. Good Morning Britain! @susannareid100 @richardpbacon.”
He was quickly slammed by followers for describing the venue as a “gay bar”.
One person wrote: “You mean a bar?”
Another added: “Why define it as a gay bar? Surely it’s just a bar with people in? Looks pretty light outside for nearly 3am. Maybe someone hacked photo?”
Following the backlash, Piers mocked his critics on Good Morning Britain today.
He offered a patronising “apology” in which he once again disregarded gender-neutral identities.
He said: “I didn’t know you couldn’t call gay bars gay bars anymore, even though it was marketed as a gay bar.
“My apologies apparently the gay bar now identifies as a non-binary gender neutral bar and therefore I inadvertently offended the gay bar by calling it a gay bar.”
Related: Munroe Bergdorf tells Piers Morgan ‘You are sexist’ in fiery Good Morning Britain row
Morgan also mocked non-binary people when talking about the announcement from UK department store giant John Lewis.
The company has scrapped “girls” and “boys” labels on its children’s clothing.
In place, the clothing will read “Girls & Boys” or “Boys & Girls”.
There will no longer be separate sections for the clothing either.
Morgan called the move “political correctness gone completely and utterly insane”.
“Can we call it John Lewis anymore or does it have to be Joan Lewis,” he added.
I fully support the transgender community. I don't like this gender neutral nonsense. https://t.co/W4tOr2sOpG— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) September 4, 2017
Morgan has repeatedly taken aim at gender fluid people and sparked outrage when he called then “absurd” last month.
Writing in the Mail on Sunday, he attacked Kori Doty, a non-binary parent who has been in the news over their battle to exclude new baby Searyl’s biological sex from their birth certificate.
“My number one pet hate at the moment is the absurd ‘gender fluid’ movement, driven by people who don’t wish to be defined as either male or female,” Morgan wrote.