Angry mother pulls daughter out of school because she learned what ‘gay’ means

A mother in Atlanta pulled her daughter out of school after she was taught what the words ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’ mean.
Lithonia Middle School in Georgia came under fire after teaching children what the words ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’ mean during health class.
One mother was so infuriated that her 12-year-old daughter now knows that gay people exist that she pulled her out of school.
Speaking to a local Fox news outlet, Octavia Parks fumed: “We’re talking about a sixth grader who still watches Nickelodeon. I’m not ready to explain what these words are nor what they mean.
“I will be removing her from that class and I’m also going to take it to the board of education to see what they have to say about it as well.”
The assignment that Parks was so furious about asked pupils to recall the correct terms for ‘a man who is attracted to men’, ‘a man who is attracted to women’ and ‘a woman who is attracted to women’.
Parks had signed a consent form for her daughter to take part in sex and relationship education lessons, but claims she made clear to the teacher that her daughter was not to learn about “this sort of thing”.
She added: “Why are they teaching that in school? What does that have to do with life?”
It has plenty to do with life as a person who is LGBT, naturally.
Of course, her child is just as likely to learn that gay people exist from that Nickelodeon she watches, with popular cartoon series The Loud House including a same-sex couple in an episode.
Sadly she’s not the only parent to have raised objections.
Another mother said: “If a kid wants to know about the gender or know about the sex preference it should come from the parents not from the school.”
A spokesman for the DeKalb County School District said: “DCSD has been made aware of this alleged event, and is working to verify its authenticity.
“We will investigate this event and take action, as appropriate, once that investigation is completed.”
In the UK this week, a right-wing politician who cheated on his wife with a 26-year-old aide claimed that LGBT-inclusive education undermines ‘traditional marriage’.
Tory MP Steve Double signed an open letter criticising government plans for LGBT sex and relationship education in schools.
The letter claimed LGBT-inclusive education would“introduce very young children to concepts such as homosexuality and transgenderism”, insisting that “traditional marriage” will by undermined by “promoting to children alternative lifestyles against parents’ wishes.”
When it comes to undermining traditional marriage, Mr Double is somewhat of an expert.
The evangelical Christian MP, 50, issued a public apology last year after a tabloid reported that he cheated on his wife with a married 26-year-old aide.
Related: Teacher struck off after telling kids that gay people are ‘sick in the head’