Janelle Monáe and Tessa Thompson have made a sexually charged bisexual anthem

(Janelle Monáe/YouTube)
Janelle Monáe has created a bisexual music video with the help of Thor: Ragnarok actress Tessa Thompson.
The singer and actor has revealed two songs, Make Me Feel and Django Jane, ahead of releasing her third album, Dirty Computer, in April.

(YouTube/Janelle Monáe)
And the video for Make Me Feel – a song which recalls Prince in its sound – is a sexually charged celebration of bisexuality.
The 32-year-old Monáe repeatedly grinds up against Thompson – who played Marvel’s first bi superhero last year – before doing the same with a male actor.
“I’m powerful with a little bit of tender – an emotional, sexual bender,” she sings.
Just to drive the point home, one particularly sensual scene sees the singer run back and forth between Thompson and the man, dancing provocatively with both.
She also accepts Thompson’s seductive offering of a lollipop, before stroking and humping her way through a series of women’s legs.
And in a slightly surreal scene, one version of Monáe comes onto a second version of her with an extremely suggestive hand gesture.
Monáe and Thompson have attended the premieres of Annihilation – in which Thompson stars – and Black Panther together in the past month.
In the video for feminist anthem Django Jane, Monáe sings: “We gon’ start a motherf***in’ pussy riot / Or we gon’ have to put ’em on a pussy diet.”

She also boasts that she “made a fandroid outta yo girlfriend”.
“Fandroids” is – as you may have guessed – the name for Monáe’s fans.
The singer, who also starred in 2016 Oscar-nominated film Hidden Figures, has always kept her sexuality close to her chest.

After her debut album The ArchAndroid was released, she said: “The lesbian community has tried to claim me, but I only date androids.
“Nothing like an android, they don’t cheat on you.”
Watch the incredible video for Make Me Feel here: