Four older gay men try Grindr for the very first time – and they really don’t hold back

The Old Gays tried out Grindr for the first time, and the results are pretty eye-opening. (Screen capture via YouTube/Into)
Four older gay guys tried Grindr for the first time in a viral YouTube video and it’s safe to say none of them held back.
Robert Reeves, Michael Peterson, Jessay Martin and Bill Lyons are regulars for Into, who have done everything from looking back at Stonewall and meeting Pabllo Vittar to guessing who these modern pop stars are.
The yellow and black app is commonplace for many queer folk who use it to link with locals in their neighbourhoods, but these four guys have never logged-on before. Though, some viewers were pretty convinced it wasn’t neither Jessay or Michael’s first times.
Moreover, Bill didn’t even have a smart phone, so learning how to tap was the first step.

(Screen capture via YouTube/Into)
“He’s an ancient gay,” Jessay commented.
From loading up their suavest selfies to all proudly listing their ages, the producers of the series guided them through Grindr.
They also filled in their about me section, as Michael wrote: “Retired Daddy Seeks a Connection.”
Or navigated the world of the ‘My Tribe’ section, and Michael jumped straight into Daddy, Leather and Discreet. Robert opted for Twink.
“You meet the most interesting men saying you’re discreet,” he said.
Jessay zinged back: “Honey, you’re not discreet with three cameras.”
The video also seems then decode what the down arrow emoji means on the app, what ‘taps’ are and whether they’d consider being sugar daddies.
“If someone could loan me some money, then sure,” Bill said.
You can watch the full video below: