A teenager has been arrested for threatening to ‘shoot up’ LGBT people. He’s just 13-years-old

A 13-year-old boy in Miami-Dade, Florida, has been arrested after he threatened to shoot people from minority groups, including LGBT+ people, in a group chat.
The boy – who has not been named – reportedly sent a message to a group chat which read: “Wanna hear what is oppressed? My shotgun ammo because I am wasting it on minorities like you. Do you think I won’t hesitate to shoot you? I am tracking your location.”
He continued: “I have military training so I can kill you real quick,” CBS reports.
The arrest report says the boy specifically mentioned the LGBT+ community in his threats.
The boy – who is a student at Leewood K-8 in Miami-Dade – was arrested at the school following the threatening messages to other students. He reportedly told investigators that he copied and pasted the message from somewhere, but didn’t mention where.
The arrest report says that the boy specifically mentioned the LGBT+ community in his threatening messages.
Parents of children at the school are concerned that a student threatened to shoot minorities.
He’s a good kid. Maybe he was playing around or joking around.
“It’s disturbing to me,” Howard Dobson, whose grandchild attends the school, told CBS.
“This is an excellent school. The teachers are the best. I think that’s disturbing but I think the school’s going to handle it. Leewood’s a great school.”
Another parent said the situation is “scary” – but said she has faith in the school.
The boy’s grandfather said the threat was ‘not credible’.
The teenager appeared in court last Friday over the incident and will have another hearing on October 3.
The school said in a statement that written and verbal threats would be handled “swiftly”.
Meanwhile, the suspect’s grandfather said the threat was “not credible at all”.
“He’s a good kid. Maybe he was playing around or joking around,” the boy’s grandfather, who has also not been named, said.
“He’s been framed. Someone used his phone.”
The boy’s grandfather also said that his family do not have guns in their house, and said: “How could he hate minorities? He’s a minority himself.”