Eight men arrested after hosting cocaine-fuelled orgy during coronavirus lockdown

Eight men were arrested by Spanish police after hosting an orgy amid the coronavirus lockdown. (Stock photo via Elements Envato)
Eight men were arrested on drug-related charges after Spanish law enforcement busted the group for having a cocaine-fuelled orgy in Barcelona during the coronavirus country-wide lockdown.
The men in attendance “did not hide” the fact they were participating in group sex, sources told Olive Press, after an invitee rung up police about the ongoing party at 10pm Friday.
In an all too familiar sight for Europe, Spanish leaders issued lockdown measures earlier this month as the coronavirus pandemic grips the country.
Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, imposed the drastic strategy forcing people to stay indoors with exemptions for only exceptional circumstances which, according to these eight men, includes orgies.
Priorities, people. Priorities.
What happened at the coronavirus orgy?
While music and melodies can be heard on Barcelona’s streets, as bored residents fill their days singing and performing from balconies, eight men had other ideas.
Plain-clothed police officers rang the bell of the apartment block on Casp de Barcelona and were buzzed up by the attendants who thought they were joining in.
The group had reportedly invited around 30 other men.

Barcelona, Spain, has been paralysed by the president’s harsh lockdown measures to curb the climbing coronavirus caseload. (David Zorrakino/Europa Press via Getty Images)
Mossos d’Esquadra officers were allowed into the room without resistance at 10.30pm, where they discovered the men sipping on a cocktail of drugs that included cocaine, speed, crystal meth and ecstasy.
One man coughed and was made to undergo a coronavirus test – it came back negative, detectives said.
The midtown Barcelona apartment had been rented out for a week, a week that has seen Catalunya emerge as the second-most COVID-19 impacted region of Spain with more than 4,200 confirmed cases as of Saturday.
Spain has seen nearly 40,000 cases of coronavirus and carries an alarming death toll approaching 3,000 at the time of writing, as Europe wrestles on how to balance democratic values with lockdown measures vital to minimising exposure to the virus.