Lesbian couple brutally stabbed to death in broad daylight at Hong Kong mall

A split image of the Hong Kong couple murdered on Friday and police investigating the scene.

A lesbian couple in Hong Kong were murdered in a broad daylight attack at a local shopping centre.

Hong Kong authorities reported that 22-year-old Fong Hiu Tung and 26-year-old Lau Kai Hei were stabbed to death by a 39-year-old Szeto Sing-Kwong at the Hollywood Plaza Mall in Diamond Hill, Wong Tai Sin on Friday (2 June).

The couple, who had been in a relationship and lived together in Tai Po for several months according to local media reports, both died after being taken to hospital, police reported.

Senior superintendent Eileen Chung Lai-yee said in a statement that the attacker had purchased the knife used in the attack at the mall shortly before attacking the first victim.

Chung Lai-yee added that, during a preliminary investigation, police found “no concrete evidence” to suggest the two women had been linked to the assailant.

She continued: “The relationship between the victims and the suspect, as well as his motivation, will be the focus of our investigation.”

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According to reports from Hong Kong-based online news portal HK01, the couple met at a bar where Liu Jixi was working part-time, and eventually started dating.

They had allegedly planned a dinner date at Ping Shek Village on the day of the murder, according to messages reported by the outlet.

Szeto was held in police custody after being arrested at the scene of the crime and has been charged with two counts of murder.

He has since been remanded to a psychiatric centre after a hearing at Kwun Ton Magistrates’ Courts on Monday (5 June).

Hong Kong chief executive John Lee Ka-Chiu said he was “saddened” by the killings and offered his condolences to the families affected.

He added that follow-up measures would be taken to improve health and welfare services in the region.

“The Health Bureau and Hospital Authority will review the treatment and rehabilitation procedures of public psychiatric services,” he said.

“The bureau will also work with the Advisory Committee on Mental Health to explore ways to enhance people’s mental well-being comprehensively.”

Hong Kong police shamed for not acknowledging couple’s relationship

LGBTQ+ activists across the world have expressed their disappointment at the approach to the murder investigation, as well as statements reported by the press.

Social media influencer and DIY programmer Naomi Wu published a thread on Saturday (3 June) sharing her outrage at the lack of acknowledgement of the couple’s relationship, saying: “F**k this and f**k everyone who keeps calling them ‘friends’ or ‘two women’.”

“They were a couple – period. Everyone being interviewed says ‘couple’. Only the police say ‘friends’. A lesbian couple got killed, and English-language news outlets won’t say so,” she continued.

Wu also said the lack of consideration for it being a hate crime was “completely unprecedented,” adding that discrimination against LGBTQ+ people and women is “horrifyingly common.”

She used a clip of the CCTV footage of the murder circulating across social media, which authorities have urged users to stop sharing due to the “emotional distress” it could cause, as justification for the argument.

“You have to see how they and only they were selected out of all those people or you will accept this bulls**t being spun about it being ‘random’.”

Others responded that they were “heartbroken” and “furious” at the incident, with one social media users posting that the “whole thing made me feel sick”.

Anyone who has witnessed or experienced a hate crime is urged to call the police on 101, Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or visit the True Vision website. In an emergency, always dial 999.

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