Simon Hobart died from drink- inquest told

Club promoter Simon Hobart died after an evening of heavy drinking, a South London inquest was told.
Mr Hobart, who founded Popstarz, Ghetto and Trash Palace is credited for having initiated the gay indie scene in London and far beyond. He was found dead outside his flat in October last year.
His wallet, which he usually carried with him, could not be found
despite searches at all his venues. Dr Vesna Djurovic, who conducted the autopsy, said the toxic effect of alcohol had affected his breathing.
The promoter started his DJ career at the gothic club Kitcat in the
1980s and later opened a club night called Bedrock at the famous
Marquee club. In 1995 he launched Popstarz, which in time became the largest gay club night in London with thousands of regular revellers.
It also attracted scores of big name stars including Mick Jagger,
Brian Molko, Keith Flint and Little Britain star Matt Lucas.
He later went on to launch Ghetto, the popular club situated below the Astoria in the centre of the west end and latterly Trash Palace, a gay bar in China Town.
Blanche Leeding, who worked at Ghetto on the last night he was seen, told the inquest, “he was in a very good mood” but added that Mr Hobart had been drinking more since his mother’s death.
Mr Hobart was driven home by driver John Stansfield who told the
inquest the club promoter seemed “quite inebriated”. Mr Stansfield
said: “He was trying to find the key to the lock to the outside gates, he found the key then he went into the property – I offered him help but he seemed agitated and he said ‘just go, just go, just go’.”
Kate Varnon, a neighbour discovered his body the next morning, she
said he was still sitting up by the door leading to the block where he lived holding his mobile phone: “About half past eight my chap left to go to work and came back in to say there was a man lying outside.”
“I went out with my phone and I dialled 999 as I checked for a pulse. He was the wrong colour.”
The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death.