Gay penguins book banned from children’s library
A children’s book about a pair of gay penguins who raise a baby has been banned from the children’s section of two libraries in America after parents complained that it promoted homosexuality.
“And Tango Makes Three,”is based on the true story of two gay penguins, Roy and Silo who hatched an abandoned egg in New York’s Central Park Zoo in the late 1990s.
The book, written by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson was forced out of the children’s section of and into the non-fiction section of libraries in Savannah and St. Joseph in Missouri.
Silo and Roy two male chinstrap penguins have been living together as husband and husband for the past six years. Since their relationship began, the pair have successfully hatched and raised an adopted chick, after they tried to incubate a rock.
They also inspired six other gay penguin couples at New York’s Central Park Zoo. However, when Scrappy, a single female arrived from Sea World Zoo in San Diego, Silo’s eye went wondering and he moved out of his and Roy’s nest and moved in with Scrappy.