Superman director denies the Man of Steel is gay

The director of the new Superman film, Bryan Singer, has refuted reports that his main character is gay.
Last week, gay magazine, The Advocate, ran a whole feature titled How Gay is Superman.
The publication has created speculation in internet chat rooms and message boards on the preferences of Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent.
Gay fans are so convinced by the news that they are urging film and comic book makers to write his sexuality into future storylines.
But Mr Singer told the BBC that the Man of Steel is “probably the most heterosexual character in any movie ever made.”
President and publisher of DC Comics Paul Levitz said, “We were all scratching our heads.
“He’s not a gay character.”
Brandon Routh, who plays Superman in this summer’s blockbuster movie, was last month voted the second most exciting gay icon behind hotel heiress Paris Hilton.
Superman Returns is out on July 14 2006.