Changes to South African gay blood donation ban

South Africa has overturned its ban on gay men giving blood, with one condition – celibacy.
Gay men who have been celibate for over six months will be allowed to donate, reports the South African Independent online.
The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) spokesman Dr Sam Gulube said:
“We will be able to start with these new forms and questionnaires on November 1.”
The decision comes as a result of a number of changes designed to create a more streamlined questionnaire, said SANBS.
In January this year the blood donation service announced its intention to change the questionnaire as to make blood donor forms more gender sensitive and gay friendly.
The partial change in policy follows comes three months after an investigation in Australia ruled that the Australian Red Cross Blood Service should be made to justify its ban on gay donations before the State’s Anti-Discrimination Tribunal.
All across the world including Britain, gay men are banned from giving blood after being identified as a HIV/AIDS high risk group.