Speak Out about homophobic bullying

Stonewall Cymru is hosting a live web chat during Anti-Bullying Week for young lesbian, gay and bisexual people who are experiencing homophobic bullying in school.
Young people will be able to chat with trained advisers from ChildLine and the LGBT Helpline Cymru about their experiences, and receive advice about dealing with anti-gay bullying.
The live web chat will take place on Tuesday 21 November between 12Noon – 6pm and is hosted by Canllaw Online at www.credu.co.uk
“We are still hearing appalling cases of bullying every week yet very few young people know where to go for advice and support,” Matthew Batten, Stonewall Cymru’s Policy and Public Affairs Officer, said.
“The ‘Speak Out’ chat room will give young people the opportunity to share experiences and get advice in confidence about dealing with anti-gay bullying. Because of the informal nature of chat rooms young people often feel more comfortable chatting online than in person or over the phone.,” he added.
Jonathan Green, ChildLine Services Manager said homophobic bullying is a big area of concern, “Every month, NSPCC service ChildLine counsels more than 3,000 young people about bullying – a quarter (23%) of all calls to the service. One area of growing concern is homophobic bullying.
“A new study of calls to ChildLine offers a snapshot into the extent of the problem in schools. Young people featured in the research indicate that too many teachers do nothing about homophobic bullying, and many young people fear telling their parents. Those counselled by ChildLine about homophobic bullying report feeling extremely lonely and isolated and feel that they have no where else to turn.”
Lynne Thomas, Head of Content, Systems Communications at Canllaw Online, welcomed the partnership, “Canllaw Online is delighted to be working alongside Stonewall Cymru and supporting a live web chat on such an important topic. It will be a great opportunity to provide young people with advice in a new and exciting way.”
Anti-Bullying Week starts on November 20 2006.