Rosie O’Donnell may host classic game show

When Bob Barker turned in his skinny mike after more than 50 years on television last week, the search for his The Price is Right replacement began.
If Barker’s vote holds any weight, we’ll be seeing Rosie O’Donnell running Plinko in the not-too-distant future.
On her blog, O’Donnell told fans she’s good to go should execs at CBS come calling.
“If they asked me, I sure would-I love The Price is Right,” she said on her blog.
But one woman is not too pleased by the prospect-she’s launched a full scale attack to keep Rosie from “gaying up” daytime, attempting to get a 50 state ban on the show should CBS sign Rosie up for the gig.
According to, Rosie O’Donnell said she’s meeting with CBS executives this week to discuss taking over The Price is Right hosting duties.
She even assured fans she’d keep Barker’s standard sign off urging viewers to spay or neuter their pets.
And as for the angry fan who’s concerned Rosie will gay up daytime, the outspoken talk show host countered, “The only thing I want to gay up is you.”
O’Donnell made headlines with her controversial and abrupt departure from The View last month.
She had given her notice on the show but ended up leaving three weeks early after an on air row with Elizabeth Hasselbeck.
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