Gay volunteer recognised with local hero award

A Stonewall volunteer has been honoured for his charity work.
As well as his prestigious Bank of America Local Hero Award,
John Leander was given £3,000 for his nominated charity, which he donated to Stonewall.
Mr Leander has volunteered full-time at Stonewall for 4 years, making a key contribution to their work promoting equality and justice for gay people.
Altogether, John has devoted 14 years to volunteering for charities, starting at Crusaid and later moving to Stonewall.
Ben Summerskill, Stonewall’s chief executive, said:
“We’re really proud that John’s excellent work and dedication have been recognised.
“Without the help of volunteers like John, Stonewall couldn’t do the work it does today.”
The Local Hero Award is part of the Bank of America’s Neighbourhood Excellence Initiative.
The £3,000 donation will go towards continuing Stonewall’s work, such as the Education for All campaign, which tackles homophobic bullying in schools.