Romney withdraws from White House race

Mitt Romney has dropped out of the contest to become the Republican party nominee for President of the United States.
The former Governor of Massachusetts met with aides most of yesterday to discuss his next step.
On Tuesday, when almost half of the states chose a Republican candidate, he was roundly defeated by Senator John McCain and lost a string of Southern states to Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas.
Romney had accumulated 270 delegates by yesterday, to 680 for McCain.
He has suspended his campaign and his delegates will be redistributed by state party officials.
“It’s never been all about me,” he told supporters today.
“I entered this race because I love America, and in this time of war I feel I have to stand aside for our party and our country,” he said, ending his dream of becoming the first Mormon President.
Romney, who has spent tens of millions of dollars of his own money on his bid for the White House, took seven states on Tuesday: Massachusetts, where he was Governor from 2003 to 2007, Alaska, Utah, North Dakota, Minnesota, Montana and Colorado
Earlier in the election cycle he won Wyoming, Michigan. Nevada and Maine.
However, he was weakened by defeat in Iowa at the hands of Huckabee and in New Hampshire at the hands of McCain.
Arizona Senator John McCain is now almost certain to become the Republican candidate for President. Election day is November 4th.