Radio 2 has ‘too many camp comedians’, radio chief says

BBC Radio 2 has got too many television comedians “camping it up”, the head of a commercial radio body has said.
Andrew Harrison, the chief executive of RadioCentre, which represents commercial radio, said presenters such as Graham Norton and Alan Carr were “end of the pier stuff”.
Mr Harrison told the Daily Mail: ‘”This is an iconic national radio station that is meant to be delivering public value and actually it has got TV comedians camping it up across the weekend schedule.”
He added: “It is true there are four presenters there across the weekend schedule each of whom have an iconic little slot, Dale Winton, Paul O’Grady, Carr and Norton. It is end of the pier stuff.”
A spokeswoman for RadioCentre said Mr Harrison was commenting on the BBC’s strategy review and had not meant any offence.
She told “[The Daily Mail report] was not reflective of our overall tone and response. Andrew wasn’t making any comment on anyone’s sexuality and should not be construed as such.”
She added that the body was concerned about the Radio 2 using too many ex-television presenters and said more “public value” could be found by using presenters such as Jeremy Vine.
A BBC spokesman said: “Radio 2’s weekend schedule features a wide range of programmes.”
Norton and Carr have been criticised for being too camp before.
Last year, gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell called the pair “camp, cliched” stereotypes and urged television executives to chose a wider range of gay presenters.