SDPL leader Marek Borowski promises to open Warsaw Pride if elected mayor

Marek Borowski, leader of the Social Democracy of Poland party (SDPL), has promised to open the next Warsaw Pride if elected mayor.
SDPL was established six years ago, as a splinter group from the post-communist Democratic Left Alliance. It currently has four seats in the Polish Senate.
Mr Borowski was the Speaker of the Senate for two and a half years. According to a member of SDPL, Mr Borowski would have 40 per cent support in Warsaw if he were to run for mayor, although he has not yet publicly declared his candidacy.
Speaking to on the subject of Europride 2010 and LGBT rights in Poland, Mr Borowski likened the struggle to a miner chipping at a coal face.
“Every event of this kind [EuroPride] needs to convince the part of society that [homosexuality] is nothing special; it’s normal.”
He also claimed to have statistics that show a gay acceptance rate in Poland of just 15 per cent ten years ago.
“Now it is 70 per cent,” he said. “And there is a large part that is undecided.”
Mr Borowski said that EuroPride has already had an impact on Poland, by “evoking discussion.”
He referred to the decision by the Senate to not send a representative to EuroPride. Mr Borowski stressed that it is important that this discussion took place at all. He pointed out that there has been some criticism of the decision, which also shows progress.
Commenting on the representation of the LGBT community in the Senate, Mr Borowski was non-committal.
“I think we have homosexuals in our parliament – but they are well hidden.”