Soap star Adam Rickitt to host Conservative gay party

Former Coronation Street actor Adam Rickitt is to host the Conservative Party’s official gay night at its annual conference in Birmingham.
Conference Pride is now in its second year. It was said to be one of the most popular parties at 2009’s Tory conference.
Rickitt, a gay pin-up, was on an ‘A-list’ of potential Conservative parliamentary candidates several years ago.
High-profile gay MPs and four cabinet members are expected to attend the night on Sunday at gay club Nightingales and soul singer Mica Paris will perform.
A three-course dinner before the club has already sold out but those wishing to join Conference Pride can buy tickets for £15.
The party will be held outside the secure zone, meaning that those without conference accreditation can attend.
Last year’s event in Manchester attracted straight senior Tories such as Theresa May and Eric Pickles.
It did not pass without some controversy, however. Stonewall chief executive Ben Summerskill did not attend after citing concerns over Tory allies in Europe and both gay and Christian groups held small protests outside the venue.
To buy tickets for this year’s Conference Pride, click here