Australian Labor minister apologises to Penny Wong over gay marriage comment

South Australian sports minister Tom Kenyon has apologised to a lesbian politician for saying she should not be allowed to married her pregnant partner.
Mr Kenyon, who is strongly against gay marriage, said on ABC radio this morning: “I don’t want to be rude to Penny [Wong] but it’s not her baby, do you know what I mean? It’s not, biologically, it’s not, it’s not the biological product of two people.”
He added: “It’s not through the relationship itself, generally, I mean, gay people can’t have kids together.
“In general a gay couple cannot produce children that’s almost absolute, a gay couple cannot produce children and most married couples do.”
He later apologised to finance minister Ms Wong, whose partner Sophie Allouache is expecting the child in December, although he reiterated his anti-marriage equality views.
“I apologise if those comments offended them in any way,” he said.
“I’m not a supporter of gay marriage and will be voting against it at the ALP national convention. I’ve made my position clear many times before today.”