Rick Santorum blames colleges for promoting equal marriage and porn

According to Rick Santorum, US colleges and universities promote a “sea of antagonism towards Christianity”, and blamed that for the use of pornography and for the move towards equal marriage.
Speaking on Washington Watch, which is run by Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, former senator Rick Santorum, said he thought colleges and universities promoted a rejection of Christianity, which led to equal marriage, abortion, and increased use of pornography.
Tony Perkins said: “That is to follow the principals, the teachings, the instructions of God … You see that as you’ve been in Washington, DC There is a rejection of this idea of truth, and that there is a foundation or morality, which needs to be upheld.”
Rick Santorum responded: “If you look at the popular culture and what comes out of Hollywood, if you go to our schools and particularly our colleges and universities, they are indoctrinated in a sea of relativism and a sea of antagonism towards Christianity.”
“Abortion is a symptom. Marriage is a symptom. Pornography [is a symptom],” he continued. “All of these are symptoms to the fundamental issue that we’ve gotten away from the truth and the ‘Truth-Giver.'”
Despite opposing adoption rights for gay people, Mr Santorum did say last year that he would try to be a “good father” to a gay son. He has in the past talked of a “hate the sin, love the sinner” policy towards homosexuality.
A US artist last year created a portrait of Rick Santorum, made entirely out of images of gay porn.