London: Anti-gay marriage public meeting at Tooting Mosque in response to Muslim MPs support for equal marriage

A public meeting against the government’s plan to introduce equal marriage for England and Wales is taking place this evening at Tooting Islamic Centre in south London.
Organisers say: “This unique public meeting will address both the impact of gay marriage and what Muslims must do to oppose it.”
Attending the event is Yusuf Patel from Muslims Defending Marriage and the Iman of Tooting Mosque.
According to the organisers, it’s in response to the “huge controversy” of last month’s decision of the majority of British Muslim MPs to support the government’s same-sex marriage bill.
Britain’s most senior Muslim MP, shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan, has recently received death threats for voting in support of the bill.
The Chair of the Wandsworth LGBT Forum, David Robson, became aware of the meeting on Friday afternoon after a member of the forum came across an advert near his home.
Mr Robson told that the forum was “worried” about what potentially could be said at the meeting and the impact on the reputation of the borough as the meeting sends out an “anti-gay message”.
According to Mr Robson, the Metropolitan Police has been informed of the meeting.