‘Ex gay’ preacher to Starbucks: Your business will fail if you ‘thumb your nose’ at God

An ‘ex gay’ preacher from the US has criticised Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz for his support of equal marriage, and urged Christians to stage a boycott of the coffee giant.
In an interview with the Chrisitan News Network, preacher Robert Breaud, who claimed that he was “cured” of his homosexuality said Starbucks was in a “Christ-hating position” and that by supporting equal marriage the company was “destroying young peoples lives”.
“God will not bless your business in the long run if you consistently thumb your nose at Him and support things He calls sinful,” Breaud said.
Schultz went on to say that if shareholders were unhappy with their 38% return from 2012, they could sell their shares and buy elsewhere. On backing equal marriage he said: “Not every decision is an economic decision.”
“It’s an unGodly, Christ-hating position,” Breaud said of Schultz’s comments. He said that, if he could sit down with Schultz, he would tell him that God was judging the company for its decision to back measures for equal marriage and LGBT rights.
“[I would tell him,] if you want God to bless your business, run it in accordance with His law … with His revealed will in Scripture,” he said. “You’re promoting sin. You’re helping to destroy young people’s lives. … God will not bless your business in the long run if you consistently thumb your nose at Him and support things He calls sinful.”
He finished by urging Christians to join the boycott, and asked: “Who do you love more, Christ or your coffee?”
A statement from the Seattle-based hot drink titan says it was “proud” to join other Washington-based employers like Microsoft and Nike as support for equal marriage brews in the state.