US: Bakery owners who refused same-sex wedding cake say ‘militant’ gay ‘mafia’ forced them to close

The owners of Sweet Cakes, an Oregon Bakery which recently closed its doors after refusing to provide a wedding cake to a same-sex couple, have accused gay activists of using “militant, mafia-style tactics” to force their business to shut down.
In an interview with CBN news, Aaron and Melissa Klein said they had no regrets refusing service to a same-sex couple.
Mr Klein said: “I didn’t want to be a part of their marriage, which I think is wrong.”
Melissa added: “I am who I am, and I want to live my life the way I want to live my life, and I choose to serve God.”
The co-owners also accused LGBT rights activists of using “militant” and “mean-spirited mafia-style tactics” against them.
The same-sex couple who were denied the cake had previously filed a lawsuit against the business.
Mr and Mrs Klein have now said their wedding cake sales had dropped since the controversy, and they will now run their cake business out of their home.
Mr Klein said: “It’s one of those things where you never want to see something you put so much work into go belly up.
“But on the other hand, I have faith in the lord. He’s taken care of us up until this point and I’m sure he will in the future.”
Upon closing, the couple left a sign on their door which read: “This fight is not over. We will continue to stand strong. Your Religious Freedom is becoming not Free anymore [sic].
“This is ridiculous that we can not practice our faith. The LORD is good and we will continue to serve Him with all our heart.”