Russian MP withdraws bill to deprive gay and lesbian couples of parenting rights

The Russian lawmaker who last month introduced new anti-gay legislation to strip gay couples of parental rights has now withdrawn the bill from the Russian Duma, saying he plans to resubmit a revised version at a later date.
On Saturday, spokesperson Sofia Cherepanova told Russian media on Mr Zhuravlyov’s behalf the document has now been withdrawn from the Russian Duma, RIA Novosti reports.
She said: “Yes he has indeed withdrawn it,” although his position on the matter “remains unchanged.”
“Anyway, we are interested in passing the bill,” she added, and clarified that the document is set to be revised and would again be submitted at a later date.
If passed the law would follow on from a piece of legislation signed into law by President Putin in July that banned gay and lesbian couples from foreign countries from adopting children.
“It occurred to me that since we have a law explicitly prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality among minors, the Family Code should be amended in such a way that that if a husband or a wife professes a non-traditional sexual orientation, they should be deprived of their parental rights. The purpose of this would be to restrict the influence of such a person on his or her own children.”
When asked how it is possible to prove that someone is gay, he conceded that it is difficult if they do not admit it.
Challenged on whether Russia should leave the EU as more laws limiting the freedom of LGBT people are being introduced, he said: “We view Europe as Sodom and Gomorrah. Europe must not tell us how to live. The Europeans can live any way they like, but they mustn’t tell us what to do. If negotiations about a visa-free space mean that our streets should have gay parades marching around, I am categorically against international relations of that kind and shall speak out against them.”
He concluded saying he was sure he would find support in the Duma for his bill.