Pastor: Take your children out of schools to avoid the ‘demonic homosexual mafia’

An anti-gay pastor has called on parents to take their children out of schools to avoid the “demonic homosexual mafia” making them gay.
Pastor James David Manning, of the Atlah Worldwide Missionary Church, said:
“Right now, our children are under a massive attack from the homosexual lobby, especially within the public school systems.
“Within the school systems, they are being influenced at a time their minds are very tender, and they know not what to choose, except to go along with peer pressure.
“They should not be pressured into making a decision to become a homosexual
“I’m here to plead with you to take your children out of these systems and give them an opportunity of natural sexual maturity.
“There is so much pressure on children to glorify homosexuality, but God disapproves of it.
“I’m here countering the homosexual mafia’s statements, that are inaccurate, and flat out lies against Jesus.
I’m asking you to bring your children to our [church] school, right here.
“We’re probably the best school in America right now. This is a safe and nurturing environment for you to bring your children up in.”
The pastor previously blamed Barack Obama for “releasing homo demons on the black man”, and has called for Christians to stone gay people.