US: HRC survey reveals extent of discrimination against LGBT in Arkansas

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), released the largest survey conducted of its kind on Arkansas’ LGBT community this Monday.
The survey cites rampant discrimination in the workplace, schools, and public establishments with a fourth of all respondents reporting employment discrimination.
HRC notes that 45% of those surveyed experienced harassment of some sort at school, with 44% saying that harassment was most common in high school.
A full third of LGBT students in rural areas reported being harassed on a weekly basis at their schools.
None of these states have laws to protect LGBT citizens from discrimination, so HRC launched Project One America.
Project One America director Brad Clark said: “LGBT Arkansans are just like their friends and family members — living, working, and volunteering in their communities.
“However, they face harsh realities living in the state they call home. We have a moral responsibility to change that.”
Kendra Johnson, who was just named the state director for HRC Arkansas Monday, says the reality for LGBT rights in Arkansas is not what it should be.
Johnson said: “There are no non-discrimination protections in employment, housing or public accommodations. What does that mean? It means I can be kicked out of a restaurant for simply being a lesbian, or that a gay friend of mine can be fired just for being gay.
“That’s not right, and as Arkansans, we can do better than that.”
Arkansas current pro same-sex marriage court ruling has been stayed pending an appeal.