Would you have sex in this latex nappy to protect against STIs?

A new product has launched, which encourages users to make less skin-on-skin contact during sex, and claims it may be able to help protect against genital herpes when used with a condom.
The Scroguard claims to provide users with “less worry, more fun”, as it covers all of the skin in the genital area not normally covered by a condom.

The product’s website states: “Scroguard is the first product sold in the US that is designed to cover the skin in the genital area that is not covered by a condom. It is worn with any condom to reduce skin-to-skin contact in the typically uncovered scrotum and pubic region.”
Recommended uses are: “Casual sex partners and committed couples who want peace of mind,” and “Men with a high sex drive who enjoy sexual variety”, as well as “Couples and individuals who love to swing.”
Made of latex, Scroguard is reusable, and product information states that it should be washed between uses. It fits waist sizes of up to 48 inches.
The website also notes that the product “is impermeable to genital secretions and can be worn as a standalone product, or you can put it on underneath your favorite pair of boxers.”
“Football players wear protective pads so they can play harder. Skiers wear helmets so they can go faster. Soldiers wear armor so they can excel in battle. Men wear Scroguard so they can enjoy sex to the fullest, while reducing skin-to-skin contact.”
Product developers warn that a fart sound may occur during sex, if air leaks into the Scroguard, and that the product, which is $19.99 (£12.50) plus shipping, may arrive a little sticky, but that is normal.
Acting policy director at Terrence Higgins Trust, Daisy Ellis, commented: “This is certainly a novel take on safer sex, but it’s not one you can expect to see on the shelves of your local chemist any time soon.
“The Scroguard isn’t FDA-approved, it isn’t marketed as a medical device, and there’s no evidence that it offers any more protection against STIs than the condom you would have to use alongside it anyway.
“The only way you could describe this as a step forward is if you’ve previously kept your cagoule on during sex.”
A disclaimer on the Scroguard website states; “To reduce your risk of herpes or HPV, you should follow the CDC’s advice and consult your physician. Scroguard™ is not a medical device and has not been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.”
He debated extending the vaccination programme with Health Minister Anna Soubry in the Commons earlier this year.
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