Chile: Augusto Pinochet’s grandson to form ‘patriotic’ and anti-gay party

The grandson of the late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet has formed a political party with a “patriotic” and anti-gay agenda.
Augusto Pinochet Molina aims to turn an existing group of Pinochet loyalists known as For My Country into the centre-right “patriotic” party.
According to the Guardian, Orden Republicano Mi Patria (“Republican Order My Country”) opposes same-sex marriage, educational reform, and abortion, but hopes to legalise marijuana.
For My Country general secretary Paolo Zarate said in an interview: “Augusto wanted to invite him because it is known that Labbé is a grand admirer of his grandfather, so for that very reason it would be an honour.”
Chilean senator Alejandro Navarro told CNN: “It is a party destined to be minority and most of all fascist.”
More than 2,000 Chileans were murdered and over 30,000 tortured under General Augusto Pinochet’s regime.
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once denounced the Chilean dictator’s arrest in London as “unjust and callous.” She also praised him for “bringing democracy to Chile.”
A bill allowing for same-sex civil unions is currently progressing through the Chilean Senate, and recently re-elected President Michelle Bachelet has said that marriage equality is a priority issue.
Mr Zamudio’s killing shocked Chile and sparked a national debate on hate crime. He suffered severe head injuries and his body was found in a city park with cigarette burns and swastikas carved in his skin.