Anti-gay group ranks own online store #1 on ‘naughty or nice’ Christmas list

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

The anti-gay American Family Association has ranked its own online store the number one destination for Christmas shoppers.

The Christian pressure group ā€“ which is listed as an active anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Centre ā€“ produced a ā€œnaughty or niceā€ list for its supporters.

It urges consumers to eschew shops like Victoriaā€™s Secret, Barnes & Noble and Staples for various crimes against Christmas, in favour of companies that ā€œcelebrate Christmas on an exceptional basisā€.

Surprisingly, the special seasonal list is topped by none other than the AFAā€™s own online store, where you can buy the groupā€™s feature film Summer Snow (though honestly weā€™d prefer a big lump of coal).

Anti-gay group ranks own online store #1 on ‘naughty or nice’ Christmas list

The store also sells box sets of reality show Duck Dynasty ā€“ whose star Phil Robertson is famed for his ho-ho-homophobic comments ā€“ as well as not-particularly-festive materials to homeschool children in religious doctrine.

The group warned: ā€œThere are secular forces in our country that hate Christmas because the word itself is a reminder of Jesus Christ. They want to eradicate anything that reminds Americans of Christianity.

ā€œThat is why it is important to remind governments and companies to keep the word Christmas alive. AFA wants to keep Christ in Christmas and Christmas in America.ā€

The American Family Association have previously refused to accept mail with a gay manā€™s face on, and expressed fears that the world will be taken over by gay burgers.

They are also home to extremist Bryan Fischer, whose hobbies include comparing homosexuality to necrophiliaslavery and murder.