Jamaican priest washes the feet of lesbians and calls for ‘respect’ for human rights

An Anglican priest in Jamaica is facing a backlash from his congregation, after he showed respect for the gay community by washing the feet of two lesbians.
Father Shawn Major-Campbell, of Christ Church in Vineyard Town, Kingston, had invited members of the local LGBT community to attend his service this week to commemorate Human Rights Day.
The pastor called upon his congregation to speak out against human rights abuses and violence directed at LGBT people – before washing the feet of two lesbians.
He told newspaper the Gleaner: “It is quite understandable that some persons will have some difficulty because human sexuality is a difficult subject and, generally speaking, in our country and culture, we really do not have enough safe spaces for people to explore the subject, without feeling safe or judged, and that is true even of the Church itself.
“The truth is the call to love is not just about your close friends and close family and those it is easy to love; the call transcends those we are not so comfortable with, as well.”
His gesture has not gone down well in his congregation – as homosexuality is still illegal in Jamaica, with 91% of people supporting the anti-gay law.
Reverend Gary Harriot – the General Secretary of the Jamaica Council of Churches – told the newspaper that he would have “questions” for the priest.