WATCH: The way this family reacted to their son’s transition is inspiring

A video has been released online documenting the beginning of an Australian family’s trans son’s transition to male, and their acceptance of him.
The video, uploaded by Milla’s mother Renée Fabish, shows the beginnings of his transition, as he asked for his family to use male pronouns.
In one heartwrenching slide, his mother says he came to her crying, and asked whether there was medicine he could take to make him biologically male.
In the video, Milla says: “It’s not easy being me. I have gender dysphoria. I feel like I am in the wrong body. I am having a really hard time at school at the moment. Kids tease me all the time… people just don’t understand me. Noone wants to be my friend. I just want people to accept me for who I am.”
The caption on the video reads: “Hello my friends and family… I’d love you to watch this slideshow I put together… It explains some major changes that are underway for Milla and our family… Milla needs our support now more than ever!!”
Watch the video below