Children’s author apologises for calling lesbians ‘ugly women with short hair’

Robert Muchamore has apologised for saying ’50 Shades of Grey’ protesters were lesbians who haven’t had “a penis anywhere near them”.
Robert Muchamore has apologised for a bizarre anti-lesbian rant against women that protested 50 Shades of Grey.
Muchamore has apologised for his rant, saying it was a “cheap shot” because he was angry the cinema screening of the film was disturbed by protesters.
He posted on Facebook about the screening, saying he was disturbed by a “small but noisy group of lesbians (well, ugly women with short hair who I assume were lesbians, and surely hadn’t had a penis anywhere near them in some considerable time) shouting: ‘You’re all rapists,’ to men entering the cinema.”
In a further Facebook post he apologised for the remarks, he said he would not attempt to justify himself by claiming he had gay friends to prove that he was not homophobic.
He posted: “Rather than try to justify myself or droan on about what a nice guy I am and how I have lots of gay friends and write books full of positive gay role models, and I thought it would be better to make an actual difference to the lives of LGBT people.”
On Twitter he claimed he was donating £1 to an LBGT group for each of his 10,218 Twitter followers.
He will first donate to the Kaleidoscope Trust “because they campaign for gay people in countries like Nigeria and Gambia where just being gay means you can go to prison”, and The Rainbow Project because he “never knew that people in Northern Ireland didn’t have the same rights as others in the UK.” He will donate £2555 to each charity.
He addressed the idea that people might say he was donating to excuse himself, saying that people would benefit from his mistake.
Muchamore said: “Lots of people will still call me a bigoted selfish asshole, and say I’m trying to buy my way out of a hole and so forth. And they’re basically right, but whatever you think about me at least some real people will benefit and hopefully accept that my apology will be more than just words.
His Cherub series books, about a group of teenage intelligence agents, have sold 7 million copies around the world.