Michele Bachmann is now claiming Obama has literally caused the apocalypse

Former Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is claiming that claims God is punishing Americans with Barack Obama’s Presidency – and that “End Times” are now imminent.
During a broadcast of Understanding the Times with Jan Markell, Bachmann – who was one of the most notorious homophobes in Congress – claimed that President Obama’s Middle Eastern policy has thrown the world into The End Times.
She said: “If we actually turn our back on Israel, as we are seeing Barack Obama do today, if that happens, then I think we will see a scale and a level of pushback in the United States, and negative consequences.
“I don’t know what they are, but I believe that the Bible is true.
“And I believe that what the Bible says is that our nation and the people of our nation will reap a whirlwind, and we could see economic disasters, natural disasters.”
She added: “Every single day we can talk about God’s time clock and the fact that Jesus Christ’s return is imminent.
“We have very little time, in my opinion, left before the second return of Christ. That’s good news. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.
“So do we despair? The despairing is that we see that our world is not going the way of salvation and the way of blessing, the world is embracing degeneracy.”
Bachmann, who is famous for her homophobic views, has previously claimed that gay men want to change the law so they can sexually abuse children.
She stated at the time: “I think also they want to abolish age of consent laws, which means we will do away with statutory rape laws so that adults would be able to freely prey on little children sexually.”
Listen to a clip via Right Wing Watch below: