Irish priest says ‘ordinary people’ being intimidated into voting for equal marriage

A commentator in the Republican of Ireland has expressed his disbelief that “ordinary citizens” really support equal marriage.
The country is due to vote on a referendum to introduce equal marriage on the 22nd May.
Writing for the Irish Times, Catholic priest Denis Vincent Twomey says he thinks most people believe marriage is between a man and a woman, but that they “fear being accused of homophobia”.
He writes: “The marriage referendum is about changing marriage from a union of a man and a woman into the union of two adults regardless of gender who desire a lifelong commitment.
“Up to a few decades ago, the meaning of marriage as the union of two complementary sexes open to procreation has been unquestioned.
“In four weeks’ time, it will be voted on and a majority opinion will determine whether one of the most natural aspects of humanity is going to be changed to suit a certain interpretation of equality.
“There is an unpleasant undercurrent, that of intimidation. The most intimidated of all seem to be our elected representatives.
“It is incredible that the political parties have imposed the whip to get their members to support the “Yes” vote. All but one Senator submitted.
“Irish people resent being bullied by either Church or State. Yet, ordinary citizens are being intimidated into voting “Yes”.
“For over a year, the campaign waged by the Government urged on by the media has been relentless. In the final weeks, reason may triumph over emotion.
“As they prepare to vote, people will ask, reasonably: what are we being asked to change? The simple answer is: human nature.”
Supporters of a Yes vote include former President of Ireland, Mary McAleese.