This couple are ‘appalled’ that their photo is on an anti-gay marriage poster in Ireland

A couple who posed for a stock photograph have apparently said they are ‘appalled’ that they have been featured on a posted for the ‘no’ to same-sex marriage campaign in Ireland.
The Republic of Ireland is due to vote in a referendum on introducing same-sex marriage on 22 May.
The poster, which promotes the ‘no’ campaign, and which has been circulated online, reads: “Children deserve a mother and a father… Vote no”, alongside a picture of a couple and their baby.
Comedian Adam Hills posted to Facebook commenting on the poster, and on Jason Manfords’s Twitter post, which read: “The person who made this poster had a mother &father & look how much of an ignorant dick they turned into! #voteyes.”
Hills said he knew the couple in the photo, and admitted that they had no power to influence what the image would be used for.
He went on, however, to say that they were “appalled” to have been featured, despite that “there is nothing they can do about it”.
Hills went on to say: “Regardless of how you feel about the vote – what a weird, horrible, ridiculous world we live in, in which a loving, caring, open-minded family unit can be used to advertise the very opposite of what that particular family unit believes
“If any of my Irish friends see these posters, just know this – the beautiful family on that poster is all for Marriage Equality.”