Anti-gay hate group plans to open radio station in Washington DC

A listed anti-LGBT hate group is planning to open a radio station in the heart of the US government.
The American Family Association – which is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Centre – is appealing for people to donate money so it can secure a broadcast license in the District of Columbia.
The anti-gay group currently airs its American Family Radio in a number of states, with radio host Bryan Fischer one of the station’s big names.
Fischer regularly makes disturbing extremist anti-gay comments on his show, blaming gay people for the Holocaust and claiming that freedom of religion only applies to Christians.
Commenting on the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow gay youth members, Fischer said that the organisation should be renamed the “Boy Sodomisers of America”.
It is attempting to fund-raise $1 million by the end of July to pay for the project.
The group claims: “God has provided an opportunity to build an AFR Talk radio station that will bypass the dominant secular media and speak God’s truth every day into the minds and hearts of those who raise their families in the highly populated communities west of Washington, DC and travel into the city where they earn their living.
“It is first a clear message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then it asks how that gospel should impact every area of life: our families, our laws, our policies, our communities, our entertainment choices, our careers, and more.
“That new AFR Talk signal needs to go on the air by the end of 2015 in order to establish a solid broadcast presence by the time our nation’s attention turns to the critical election campaigns of 2016.
“AFA has already spent over $1 million toward purchasing the resources necessary to broadcast American Family Radio into this strategic corridor. When the project is complete and the signal is on the air, startup costs will exceed $2 million.”
Bryan Fischer recently claimed that Barack Obama is ordering Christians to “drop dead”, by signing an Executive Order outlawing anti-gay workplace discrimination.
He also claimed that discrimination against gay people isn’t a problem, because the US also ‘discriminates’ against necrophiliacs.
A video begging for donations spotted by JoeMyGod says: “I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman… but my voice isn’t being heard.
“Our country is supposed to be by the people for the people, but Washington has stopped listening to the very people it’s supposed to serve.
“What if there was a way to make our voice heard by the very people who are meant to represent us?
“Right now we have an opportunity to purchase equipment that will take American Family Radio to the people who shape our country.”