What’s a skoliosexual? Dictionary of sexual orientations

Confused by some of the different terms and identities around on the internet? Can you tell apart the following different sexual identities?
If you’re curious, here’s some of the answers.
Confused by some of the different terms and identities around on the internet? Here’s a dictionary of orientations and preferences from across the spectrum.
Starting with the more widely known. . .
-gay: when a male is attracted to another male, or when a female is attracted to another female
-lesbian: when a female is sexually attracted to another female, might use the term “gay” interchangeably
-straight or heterosexual: when a female or male is attracted to the other binary gender
-bisexual: when an individual is attracted to both their own gender and another gender
An example of bisexual is when a female is attracted to both other females and males.
This is often confused with. . .
-pansexual or omnisexual: when an individual is attracted to all gender expressions, while still maintaining preferences
An example of pansexual is when a male is attracted to other males, females, transsexual individuals, third-gender individuals, androgynous individuals, etc.
Then, there are the lesser known. . .
-skoliosexual: when an individual is not attracted to cisgender individuals, but the other gender expressions
-gynesexual or gynosexual: when an individual is attracted to females and/or individuals with feminine features
-androsexual: when an individual is attracted to males and/or individuals with masculine features
-asexual or non-sexual: when an individual rarely experiences sexual attraction to other individuals, but still experiences romantic and/or emotional attraction
-Grey A or Gray A: when an individual very rarely experiences sexual attraction or has only a slight sex drive, but may in particular situations or with particular individuals
-aromantic or non-romantic: when an individual rarely experiences romantic and/or emotional attraction to other individuals, but still experiences sexual attraction
-autosexual: when individuals are sexually attracted to themselves
-demisexual: when an individual only experiences sexual attraction to another individual when a powerful romantic and emotional relationship is created
-androgynosexual: when an individual is attracted to males, females, and/or androgynous individuals with both masculine and feminine features
-polysexual: when an individual is attracted to some, but not all gender expressions
-pomosexual: when an individual does not feel their sexual preference can and/or should be identified by pre-existing labels
This is not a comprehensive list – when it comes to sexuality, people are constantly coming up with news ways to identify themselves.