Sam Smith speaks out against homophobia in Russia: ‘I’m sitting here in tears’

Sam Smith has spoken out about homophobic extremism in Russia – saying he was left “in tears” after learning about the issue.
The ‘Leave Your Lover’ singer spoke out about the issue after watching BBC documentary ‘Reggie Yates: Extreme Russia’ – which looked at the way far-right homophobic vigilantes operate in the country.
He said: “I’m watching Reggie Yates extreme Russia. And I’m sitting here in tears.
“Watching a man discuss how he would kill gay men and woman with rocks if the law allowed it. I just want any gay men or woman who are in Russia right now, to know I am thinking about you all the time.
“And I’m so sorry you have to go through what you’re going through. seeing it visually being said, is so horrific.
The singer, who is openly gay, added: “Massive hug to Reg Yates as well!! Seriously brave. Please watch this guys if you haven’t xx
He also added: “I am not saying all of Russia is like this at all. There is prejudice and homophobia in every country, I know.”
Smith was recently confirmed to be singing the theme for the new James Bond film.
He said: “I love the song so much… it’s the quickest I’ve ever written a song – it took 20 minutes… and [the Bond producers] loved it!
“This is one of the highlights of my career. I am so excited to be a part of this iconic British legacy and join an incredible line up of some of my biggest musical inspirations.
“I’m so relieved to actually talk about this, this has been a top secret mission of my own.”