Anti-gay preacher finally admits that God didn’t punish ‘Sodomites’ for being gay

Despite his long opposition to homosexuality, TV preacher Pat Robertson has admitted that “Sodomites” aren’t gay people punished by God.
The book of Genesis describes God raining ‘fire and brimstone’ down on Sodom after the rebellious people of the town tried to have sex with angel houseguests.
The interpretation of the passage has long been disputed, but conservative Christian groups often use it as evidence of God condemning homosexuality. It also gives its name to the sexual offence of ‘sodomy’.
Republican Michele Bachmann recently claimed that the United States might face the same punishment as Sodom for introducing same-sex marriage.
However, Pat Robertson of the 700 Club, who believes that gay people should be treated like drug addicts and that Obama should ban homosexuality ‘like his fellow Africans’, has finally admitted that’s using ‘Sodomites’ to refer to modern same-sex couples is a load of made up hooey.
Speaking (where else?) on his nationally syndicated TV show, Robertson conceded: “Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.”
“Pride, the Bible says, idleness and abundance of bread, neither were they thankful… that was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah.
“He didn’t talk about homosexuality.”
Watch the clip via Right Wing Watch below: