School gives pupils 23 options to define their own gender

A school has asked its students to define their own gender, with options including trans, gender fluid and androgynous.
Pupils at a senior school have been given 23 options to define their own gender, in a move which has been welcomed by pupils and parents alike.
Blatchington Mill School in Brighton gave teenagers the survey as part of their homework.
The various options included: girl; boy; gender fluid; agender; androgynous; tri gender; non binary; genderqueer; demi-boy; demi-girl; trans boy and trans girl.
Meanwhile, Brighton College also announced plans to make their institution more inclusive – by breaking with a 170-year tradition.
The top public school last week informed pupils that will be able to decide which uniform they wish to wear based on their chosen gender.
Headmaster Richard Cairns told students that uniform codes would be replaced by a ‘trouser uniform’ or a ‘skirt uniform’ for all pupils up to the age of 16.
“If some boys and girls are happier identifying with a different gender from that in which they were born, then my job is to make sure that we accommodate that,” Mr Cairns said.
Before a child is able to change their uniform, parents will be required to write to the school first, giving their consent for the child to wear either a full tweed blazer, tie and trousers, or a skirt, bolero jacket and blouse.