Hillary Clinton shares letter from gay dads ‘scared’ of anti-gay Republicans

A child, from her father’s shoulder, looks at people celebrating the US Supreme Court’s historic decision on same sex marriage during a rally outside the Stonewall Tavern in the West Village in New York on June 26, 2015. The US Supreme Court ruled on June 26, that gay marriage is a nationwide right, a landmark decision in one of the most keenly awaited announcements in decades and sparking scenes of jubilation. The nation’s highest court, in a narrow 5-4 decision, said the US Constitution requires all states to carry out and recognize marriage between people of the same sex. AFP PHOTO/JEWEL SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has shared a moving letter from a gay family rallying in support of her campaign.
Clinton shared the letter from Kevin, a gay married man and father.
In it, Kevin, who adopted his son Grey in December 2015, says he worries for his son, if an anti-gay Republican becomes President.
The letter, optimistic and positive about the change in support of same-sex marriage in the US, begins: “Two months ago (in December 2015), we adopted a baby boy who we named Grey. He is 7 weeks old now. We’re so thrilled and excited to be parents; our hearts are so full of love for this child.”
The letter goes on: “I remember that day in December of 2011, watching you with tears in my eyes as you said, ‘Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.’”
The father recalls Clinton’s coming out in support of equal marriage nearly two years ago, back in March 2013.
He continues: “I remember vividly that day in 2013, just six months before Robbin and I got engaged, when you released a video in which you said ‘LGBT Americans are our colleagues, our teachers, our soldiers, our friends, our loved ones, and they are full and equal citizens,’ and that they deserve all rights—including marriage.
“And in October of 2015, the month that Robbin and I would be matched with our soon-to-be born son, you said to the world that ‘Being a good parent has nothing to do with your sexual orientation or your gender identity.’”
“My family and I have a personal stake in this election that goes beyond just political beliefs and lies at the very core of our identity.”
Going on, Kevin says he is “scared” for an anti-gay marriage Republican to be in the White House.
“I’m frankly scared of Grey turning on the TV and seeing a Republican president who is outspoken about his belief that gay couples shouldn’t be allowed to marry, or that gay parents are not adequate to provide all the opportunities that a heterosexual couple can provide. I am scared of what a Republican president will mean for my family.”
The full letter is available to read on Hillary Clinton’s website here.
The former Secretary of State struggled to win younger voters during her Iowa stand-off with Bernie Sanders at the Iowa caucus it was confirmed this week but she did win by a small margin.
Clinton – who recently won endorsement from LGBT lobby group the Human Rights Campaign, said she was looking forward to a vote in New Hampshire.
Meanwhile, openly homophobic Texas Senator Ted Cruz surprised some by beating back his Republican rival Donald Trump.
Another nasty shock was nearly in store for the controversial businessman, as he managed to win only a slim majority over third place candidate Marco Rubio.