Steps’ Ian ‘H’ Watkins shares first Father’s Day photo: ‘Dreams do come true!’

Steps star Ian ‘H’ Watkins has shared his first ever Father’s Day as a dad with an adorable message of love for his twins.
The former Steps singer took to Twitter to share a photo with his sons Macsen and Cybi, both wearing “I love Dad’ hats.
The singer added the caption: “Dreams do some true! Our first Father’s Day!”
H and his partner Craig Ryder earlier this year announced they are now the proud dads to two boy.
Watkins and Ryder became parents as their first son, ‘Baby A’, was born on 6 March at 2.14am, closely followed by ‘Baby B’ at 2.17am.
Announcing the birth this morning on Twitter, Watkins said: “We are DADS! We are totally & utterly in Love!”
The social media announcement is nothing new for the pair, who announced the news they were expecting via an animated YouTube video in December.
The colourful video featured photo cut-outs of the couple, cleverly photo-shopped onto a cartoon backdrop
The video precedes to tell the story of the couple’s relationship so far – from holidays, to buying their first house together – before revealing that their biggest adventure is about to begin.
“Together we’ve been on lots of adventures. But our biggest adventure is about to begin!”
“For a long time we have been wishing, and our wish is about to come true!
“We are going to be dads!!!
“There’s more… it’s twins!!!”
“Our dream is about to come true”.
Last year, Watkins credited his bandmate Lisa with helping to deflect questions about his sexuality during the band’s heyday.
Despite rumours at the time of the band’s success, the pop singer remained in the closet for years – until he finally came out as gay in 2007.
He said: “I don’t actually remember sitting down and telling Lisa [I’m gay], it was just something that I didn’t feel I had to say out loud.